Library Media Center
Welcome to the Library!
Media Center Hours: 8:40 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. | Closed: 11:45-12:40
The Oakley Elementary Library Media Center is dedicated to advancing literacy and learning for all students. This is achieved through three strands: Literacy, Design Thinking, and Technology.
The Literacy component includes reading aloud, discussing stories to make literacy connections, and learning to use the library independently. Students learn about authors and illustrators, different genres of books, and how to find books appropriate for their interests and reading level.
The Design Thinking component is implemented through the makerspace initiative. Students are encouraged to think critically and creatively through game play, engineering, technology, and other hands-on activities.
The Technology component seeks to help students use technology effectively and appropriately through projects designed collaboratively by their classroom teacher and campus media specialist.
Media Center Policies
- Students may check out a maximum of two books for First and Second.
- Students may check out a maximum of three books for Third through Fifth.
- Kindergarten students begin with one book.
- Books are checked out for one specials rotation.
- Books may be checked out for two special rotations maximum. Books that are being kept for a second rotation must be renew their loan.
- A student who does not return books will not be allowed to check out books during their Specials.
- A student must pay for damaged or lost items checked out in his/her name at the end of the year.
- Media Center Emails are sent out automatically.
- If a student brings late books to school to return, please let their homeroom teacher know that they need to be sent to the library.
- Students who finish a book early may ask to come in and get a new book after 12:40 p.m.
Media Center Goals
- To help students develop information literacy skills for lifelong learning.
- To provide access to print and non-print material.
- To help students develop an enjoyment and love of reading.
- To provide leadership, collaboration, and assistance to teachers, staff, and students.
Checkout Guidelines
- Students self-select books from the library under the guidance of library staff.
- Books are checked out for 2 weeks, and can be renewed no more than 2 times.
Overdue notices are sent via email and paper slips for any items not returned to the library when due. If a book is lost or damaged beyond repair, students must pay the full cost of the book. Students with excessive overdues will not be permitted to check out books from the library.
Parent Information
- Parents and guardians are the primary decision makers regarding their student's access to library materials. While campus library staff are trained in selecting materials in accordance with Board policy, the ultimate determination of appropriateness lies with the student and parent.
- To view all print books in our library, click on the Library Catalog button on this page. Students can access their library accounts by logging into Accessit from Classlink. Once logged in, students can view their current checkouts and checkout history.
- Should you have questions about how we select materials for our library or have a concern over a library book your child has checked out, please reach out to our media specialist, Ms. Young.
Contact Us
Mistie Young
Campus Media Specialist
Kady Rhodes
Media Center Aide